At the end of last year, we said, “let’s make a book.”
We have 12,000 authors here, and all of you have something valuable to offer. When this group began, the mission was support. Growth. To encourage each other and not be alone.
Part of that was creating opportunities for your stories to be told.
We started by releasing The Order of Us in April 2021. We honestly weren’t even sure what this was going to be. We just knew we wanted to hear what you had to say.
Then, the “Of Us” series was born. We brainstormed four other titles, and in August, we were able to release The History of Us.
The heart in these books wrecked us. Some of it was so hard to read. Some of it was funny. Some of it was devastating. Some of it was healing. All of it was human. We are so proud.
Yesterday, the final files were uploaded for our first-ever fiction project. As we round out our last book of 2022, I’m just blown away by the commitment of this group.
Y’all, Brigid Levi had a baby the day we closed submissions and managed two rounds of edits… WHILE HAVING FREAKING SURGERY AND HANDLING A NEWBORN. If that doesn’t tell you the depth of the commitment we have to you and these stories, I don’t know what does. Also, Brigid, don’t ever edit from a hospital bed again, okay?
I didn’t dream we’d have three books up by the end of the year. Honestly, as I uploaded these files, I just kept saying, “I have no idea how any of this got done.”
But I do. It’s because of your hundreds and hundreds of submissions. It’s because of Brigid, Abby Riley Harding, Jill Davidson Robinson, Sarah Logan, Emily Scislowicz, Michelle Peterson, Amber Turner, Allison Wells, Cassy Chesser, Jamie Dalton, Christine Weimer, and everyone else on the team who put up with our insanity.
It’s because your stories deserve to be told, and we take a lot of pride in doing our very best to tell them well.
Two of our team members have newborns, and before too long, I’ll also be off in Babyland. We’re going to take the rest of the year to market, regroup, and focus on the shop, Patreon, and some other projects. But stay tuned: We’ll announce the 2023 Moms Who Write anthology opportunities in the next month or so.
All of that to say, book number three will be available on Monday. If you haven’t added the first two to your collection, do that. If you’re feeling spooky, get ready for Fireside.
Monday, October 10th!
About the Writer: Allie Gravitt is a mom of 3 and lives in metro Atlanta with a house full of animals and plants. Her debut poetry collection, prisonbreaks, and second collection Killing Ghosts are available now on Amazon. Follow Allie’s writing journey on TikTok and Instagram.
Book Highlight: The ‘Of Us’ Series
The hearts and souls of our group went into these books, and we couldn’t be more proud to share them with the world.