Poetry is subjective, right? There’s no such thing as a bad poem, there is always an audience for your writing. Well, not according to National Bad Poetry Day. Some poetry just shouldn’t be written.
Now, we’re not a crowd that likes to pick fun of anyone’s writing, so we weren’t about to go on a search for poems we thought were just plain terrible. Instead, the Admin Team banded together to type up a few of our own and share some of our childhood family favorites. Enjoy…
Original Works of Bad Poetry Art
S.R. Logan
An ode to bad poetry, Like all other forms of art, Poetry is subjective. All of it is good Or bad To someone.
Brigid Levi
How to Write Good Poetry All good poems should rhyme. That is the most important rule. Also put the lines into stanzas. Then you have a poem.
Emily Seal
What Are Words A poem by Emily Scislowicz …
S.R. Logan (back again!)
Roses are Red
Some poetry is bad
but writing something new
is always rad.
Katie Tamburri
I was supposed to write a poem About—who? I didn’t know ‘em! The proposition, it was scary. Prepositions make me weary. Can I swap it for this other word? Is that pretentious or absurd? Can I substitute a line? Iambic meter, sure, that’s fine… Ok, now I need a topic. Something not too myopic. How about making a poem? Just narrate it—that’ll throw ‘em.
Shell Sherwood
You used to be my one true love, the one I knew came straight from above, and then...what the heck happened, dude, you suck...and something 'ove'.
S.R. Logan (once more!)
To write a poem, Simply write a series of words, break them up just the right way, and punctuate as - your - heart - demands!

Bad Poetry Family and Childhood Favorites
S.R. Logan
If the ocean were whisky And I was a duck I’d swim to the bottom And drink my way up But the ocean’s not whisky And I’m not a duck So pass me the bottle And shut the fuck up.
A little birdie fell by me, he must have fallen from a tree. I coaxed him close with a piece of bread, and then I squashed his stupid head.
Brigid Levi
The boy stood on the burning deck His feet were all a blister. He tore his pants on a rusty nail And now he wears his sister’s. Little fishy in the brook Daddy catch him with a hook Mama fry him in a pan Baby eat him like a man
Got a bad poem to share?
Let us know your favorite bad poem, or drop one of your own below!