This is one of my favorite MWW Book Lists to date. Why do you ask? Because every single suggestion on this list was recommended by one of our members!
Working on your craft is an ongoing journey throughout a writer’s career. Writing books can be an excellent stimulant to kick up the heat on your WIP, learn how to write in a new genre, or inspire compelling ideas for upcoming stories.
As modern-day writers, we are lucky enough to have millions of writing craft books at our disposal. But how the heck are you supposed to know which one to choose? Take it from our members and check out some of the most beloved books on the market that have helped them grow their craft:
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (Stephen King)
![On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft (A Memoir of the Craft (Reissue)) by [Stephen King]](
The Anatomy of Story (John Truby)

Mastering the Craft of Compelling Storytelling (Ray Rhamey)
![Mastering the Craft of Compelling Storytelling: Coaching from Flogging the Quill by [Ray Rhamey]](
Tell It Slant (Brenda Miller)
![Tell It Slant, Third Edition by [Brenda Miller, Suzanne Paola]](
The Writing Book: Practical Guide for Fiction Writers (Kate Grenville)
![The Writing Book: A Practical Guide for Fiction Writers by [Kate Grenville]](
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel (Jessica Brody)

Story Craft (Jack Hart)

The Little Red Writing Book (Brandon Royal)

Writing Down the Bones: Feeling The Writer Within (Natalie Goldberg)

Thunder and Lightning: Cracking Open the Writer’s Craft (Natalie Goldberg)

Consider This (Chuck Palahniuk)

The Emotional Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression (Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi)

Stein on Writing (Sol Stein)

The Emotional Craft of Fiction (Donald Maass)

Story Genius (Lisa Cron)

Wired for Story- (Lisa Cron)

Into the Woods: A Five-Act Journey Into Story (John Yorke)

Keys to Great Writing (Stephen Wilbers)

Story Engineering (Larry Brooks)

Writing Active Setting Series (Mary Buckham)

7 Figure Fiction (T. Taylor)

Reading Like a Writer (Francine Prose)

Writing 21st Century Fiction (Donald Maass)

The Writer’s Journey (Christopher Vogler)

Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott)

Romancing the Beat (Gwen Hayes)

The Elements of Style (William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White)

Show Don’t Tell (Sandra Gerth)

Blank Page to Final Draft (Bryn Donovan)

Goal Motivation & Conflict (Debra Dixon)

The War of Art (Steven Pressfield)

Writing Deep Scenes (Martha Alderson and Jordan Rosenfeld)
The Faith of a Writer: Life, Craft, Art (Joyce Carol Oates)

Tell Us What You Think
If you’ve read one of these books and loved it (or have another book not on our list) share the wealth! Jump on the Mom’s Who Write Facebook page to chat and share ideas. We’d love to hear your feedback.
About the Writer: Shell Sherwood is a poet, fiction writer, freelancer, and creator of silly children’s stories, who could live on coffee, pastries, and romantic tragedies. She lives in Hudson Valley, NY with her fiancé and three boys, and aspires to own a small writing getaway in every climate. Learn more about Shell and follow her writing journey via her author blog and Instagram.
3 thoughts on “Best Writing Craft Books”