Thanksgiving—and holidays in general—are craziness when you’re a parent. Well, you know. Our Admin Team took time off to be with our families, but now that we’re back, we want to reflect. Giving thanks isn’t reserved for Thanksgiving Day, after all.
We’re Thankful for MWW
The entire Admin Team agrees: we are massively thankful for the Moms Who Write community. Allie started something special here, and we are grateful. For the safe space to vent, for the sharing of knowledge, for the writing and momming support—we’re here for all of it.
Here’s what some of our Admin team members had to say.
Shell Sherwood: Giving Thanks for Connection
I’m thankful for this group because without it, I never would have thought I had what it took to share my writing. I never would have called myself a poet. And I certainly never would have connected with so many like-minded creatives who make my weirdness seem utterly normal.
Allison Wells: Giving Thanks for Understanding
I've been a part of Moms Who Write for a while now, and it has definitely become a writing life-line for me. From author moms who understand what it means to try to write with kids in your lap to trying to figure out plot points, this group does it all. I have made some absolutely amazing friendships from the ladies I've met here, and I cannot imagine my life without them—writing related or not. MWW is an all-around blessing, and I am grateful every day.
Amber J. Painter: Giving Thanks for Encouragement
I’m thankful for the friends I’ve made who have encouraged me that my words are worth the effort. They remind me that I'm a writer no matter how awful I feel I am or how hard imposter syndrome attacks. I’m grateful for all the knowledge that is shared so freely, helping those like me that just jumped in with both feet.
Amelia Cognet: Giving Thanks for Friendships
I’m thankful for all the mom/writer friends I made—for all the times they supported me and all the times I could also help them in any way. I’m grateful for the daily conversations, advice, camaraderie, and the laughs.
Brigid Levi: Giving Thanks for Purpose
Joining the admin team gave me a purpose, so I’m thankful that Allie gave me the chance. I’m thankful for our daily check-ins and conversations. I’m thankful to have a place with a group that gets me and my life. It makes being a stay-at-home-writer-mom much less lonely. I’m thankful for this safe space to be myself.
Jill Robinson: Giving Thanks for Acceptance (and Memes)
I'm thankful to Moms Who Write for allowing me to use my powers of snark for good (memes), not evil. I'm grateful for each and every friend I'm made here, both in the group and the admin team. Within this group, I have found purpose, motivation, acceptance, and laughter. I've learned so much from each of you. Cheers to many more years of friendship.
Our Members Make Everything Worth It!
We wouldn’t be here without you, our fellow writer moms! You keep this group going with your questions and your encouragement. Thank you for sticking by each other. Thank you for offering advice. And thank you for giving us the honor of reading your submission for our anthologies.
(Shameless plug for our Cyber Monday Sale: All MWW anthologies are $9.99 in paperback and $.99 on Kindle. Offer ends 11/28!)

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