In another blog, I wrote about how I was going in for surgery and how I coped with my stress through writing. I’ve always found healing through writing.
I had my surgery last week, and thankfully, as I write this today, I am not feeling any pain. My mind is ready to jump back into writing. Writing my other blogs and editing my finished MS helped me before my surgery just as I know it will help me after.
Writing Through Physical and Emotional Pain
Ever since high school, writing has always been a huge part of my life. Back then, it was my escape from bullying. Because I didn’t have any friends in elementary and middle school, I didn’t have the same escape. Instead, I escaped into the pages of books.
Then, I had a teacher who opened my eyes to writing in high school, and I tried it. My stories and poetry were a mess, but they were still mine, and I was grateful for that. Now, I keep writing through the pain of surgeries or other life challenges because if I don’t write, I probably would go insane.
Healing Through Writing
I don’t need to be stuck in bed too much after this surgery, but after my previous surgeries, I was bed bound. At this point, I have had four surgeries: three hernia repair surgeries—my second surgery being an emergency surgery for the removal of gallstones—and now this latest surgery, called Endometrial Ablation. None of the surgeries were easy, but I am grateful for the support of my husband and kiddos to let me rest, heal, and get more writing done.
The act of writing was my life saver while growing up. Now, when I have to sit and heal from surgeries, I choose writing or reading while stuck in bed. Of course, I sleep if needed, but mostly, I spend my time writing or reading.
How do you cope?
What about you, our readers? Have any of you had surgeries? And if so, how did you cope with the healing process? Having to stay in the house to heal can be pretty boring unless you sleep the day away. But you can always do other things to help you keep from going too insane.
As you saw, I cope through reading and writing. I sometimes dabble in playing games on the PC, but for the most part, I stay in bed to heal. I would love to hear your coping mechanisms for healing from your surgeries.
About the Writer: Lacey Gordon is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful, funny daughters and the wife and caretaker to her medically retired Navy veteran husband. She is a retired preschool teacher of nearly 13 years. Her love for writing stories started in high school, and she started blogging in July of 2017. Her first book, Pahulu Hale – Haunted House, will be published in 2022. Lacey has 2 cats, 1 standard poodle service dog for her husband, 6 ducks, 6 guinea fowl, and several chickens. In addition to blogging and writing her own books, Lacey writes children’s books for Reading Gate, a Korean ESL publisher.