We hosted an amazing webinar this week for our members on how to use Scrivener, one of the most popular writing apps on the market. Oliver Evensen, an outreach specialist through Literature and Latte, showed us some cool Scrivener features to kick our writing game up a notch.
I downloaded Scrivener with a promo code a few years back but had yet to attempt to learn one dang feature. Sound familiar? Then, you may also be dragging your feet on making the switch.
It’s okay. I was nervous when I first started too. Here are some basic facts about Scrivener and a video recording of our webinar with a promo code if you’re interested in learning more.
What is Scrivener?
Scrivener is a spectacular writing app focused on providing novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, and all other long-form writers with tools to organize and produce kick-ass pieces. It’s all about keeping the flow of your writing while maintaining access to all the resources you need. No more flipping back and forth between 1,000 browser tabs.
Why all the hype about it?
Well, there are a lot of reasons. Let’s explore them.
Manuscript Magic
Scrivener as a whole may be a little overwhelming when you start. But the idea is to make the process of compiling your manuscript far less frightening. Scrivener writers can grow their stories organically with tools like corkboards, post-its, dual screens, and more to help you organize and arrange your ideas. You can view your manuscript as a whole, in an outline, or as a storyboard. Whatever version helps you the most!
Made for All Writers
When it comes to writing in Scrivener, It doesn’t matter if you’re a plotter, pantser, or plantser. The tools assist you in producing a finished story no matter what chaotic manner you use to create it. You can start with the draft and restructure it later. Or you can carve out every detail of your story in outline form before diving into the chapters in consecutive order. Forget the stress of scrolling through entire pages to look for details to copy and paste. Features like drag and drop chapters also make it easy to rearrange your manuscript as you go.
Research friendly
One of Scrivener’s most unique features is the option to research and write simultaneously. Any background material you need for your story—images, articles, videos, artwork—can be opened up directly next to your manuscript and referenced within. You always have access to what you need.
Easy to use across devices
You can use Scrivener on your laptop, desktop, tablet, phone, or wherever else you download the app! This gives you access to your story anywhere you go and provides you with the ability to make notes and add resources as soon as you find them.
Sharing is easy
There’s nothing more frustrating than spending countless hours on a long-form piece of writing, only to have trouble exporting and sharing it with anyone. Scrivener makes it easy to share your manuscript and gives you options. You can share it in a single document for printing, when uploading for self-publishing, or when exporting in different file types (WordDoc, PDF, or other). It even allows you to choose your own font to satisfy submission guidelines or to show off your personal style.

Check out this week’s Scrivener webinar!
Scrivener 3 is now available for both macOS and Windows. Use promo code MOMSWHOWRITE for a 20% discount on your purchase!

Happy writing dreamers, and have a wonderful week!
About the Writer: Shell Sherwood is a poet, fiction writer, freelancer, and creator of silly children’s stories who could live on coffee, pastries, and romantic tragedies. She lives in Hudson Valley, NY, with her three boys and aspires to own a small writing getaway in every climate. Shell is currently working on her debut poetry collection. Learn more about Shell and follow her writing journey via her author blog, Instagram, and TikTok.
I am currently writing a novel in Microsoft Word on my desktop computer, but would like the ability to write when I’m away from home on my Samsung tablet. Microsoft wants to charge me $120 per year to download Word onto my tablet. For the little time I’ll actually use it, I’m not too keen on that idea. My question is, if you haven’t already guessed, is “If I purchase Scrivener and transfer all my work across, will it work on both my desktop and the tablet?”
Thank you
Hi Kieron!
Yes, you should be able to use your Scrivner subscription on multiple devices. Here’s a little more information here below. Good luck!
I need it for a Samsung tablet running Android, not an Apple iPad or iPhone, but thanks all the same. I’ll keep looking, there must be something out there.
Aw bummer, I’m sorry Kieron, I read that wrong. I did find this. Hope you find something! https://alternativeto.net/software/scrivener/?platform=android