Because it’s St. Patrick’s Day and we’re feeling silly and poetic. Plus, who doesn’t love a good limerick?
Our Admin Team had a blast brainstorming limericks yesterday pertaining to momming and writing and trying to do both. Here’s what we came up with, enjoy!
By Emmy Seal
Daily there is a chore Housework is a bore I'd rather be writing Characters smiting Telling tales of folklore.
I am a Mom Who Writes Though my mood can be contrite When the day is filled up Coffee gone from my cup I'm just ready to turn out the light.
I wait a whole hour in line Writing fills up that time The kids get out “We're hungry” they shout Yes, that hour was so sublime.
Get up early and write they say What a way to start the day Selective hearing kicks in The kids wake with a grin It's going to be a long day
Inspiration rarely comes When I'm able to twiddle my thumbs So I write on my phone Wherever I roam In hopes one day my book will be done.
By Allie Gravitt
The mountain of laundry is high The dishes are making me cry I fed them all Prego Then stepped on a Lego Can I send them to bed and drink wine?
What the hell happened in here? But my question falls on deaf ears The carpets are stained And chaos still reigns Four hours till bedtime near.
It's time now to play “what's that smell?“ Somehow I never can tell The floor? Or the sink? A fermented drink? I might move into a hotel.
I finally sit down to write
It’s something like flying a kite
Throw it in the sky
And see if it flies
Mostly it crashes on site.
Omg please go to sleep
We’ve counted a million sheep
We’ve read tons of books
Like, so many books
By Abby Harding
The time change is a devious trickster And the writing mom needs something to fix her So she brews up a mug The size of a jug And chugs down the magic elixir.
By Brigid Levi
Didn't you hear what I said? It's time to get into bed. It's my time to write So please let's not fight. Or I might just lose my head.
By Shell Sherwood
Please stop climbing on my back!
Didn’t you just have a snack?
If you let me write quick
I’ll be done in a lick
And we’ll gobble a cookie stack.
By Rose Jay Rigby
You want to write a book It better have a good hook You'll write and delete You'll think it's complete And then you have another look.
By Natalie Cammaratta
Mommy just wanted to write To do it she stayed up all night Coffee all day This is okay But the playroom is now quite a sight.

More By Allie…Because she was on fire
Why is it always so loud I’m ready to kick them all out The screaming and crying You’d think they were dying I can’t hear myself think aloud.
I try but I’m forever late I always make somebody wait Someone lost a shoe Someone needs to poo And that’s why I’m forever late.
Got a mom writer limmerick to share?
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