Obviously, we can celebrate our love for writing any day, but some days, it’s easier to do than others. This is especially true for those of us that are career writers. That’s why author John Riddle deemed November 15th I Love to Write Day. It’s a day to set aside time to write for your own pleasure—no matter your age or your publication status.
It’s kind of perfect that this day falls exactly halfway through NaNoWriMo! Or maybe that’s not a coincidence… Let’s talk about why we should set aside time today to write and how we might do it.
Creative People Need Time to Create
Whether you’re an artist, a musician, or a writer, your creativity needs an outlet for expression. Otherwise, it just sits pent up inside of you with nowhere to go. Creativity is our gift to the world, our opportunity to leave a legacy, if only for a moment.
It can be super hard to express our own creativity as moms and professionals. Maybe we’d find time if there were twenty-five hours in a day. But that’s what makes I Love to Write Day so great! It’s a designated day for us to write, to let the kids watch some Bluey while we feverishly type the words that have built up inside of us.
Ideas for Busy Moms to Make Time to Write
First of all, busy moms is redundant. But I digress. Check out the list below for some ideas on how you, Mama, can set aside time to write today.
- Let the screens babysit for an hour or two. It’ll be okay. I promise. (The Admin team suggests Bluey. We love it for real life.)
- Ask your partner to entertain the kids for the evening so you have a few hours to yourself.
- Write with your kids. (More on this later.)
- Write after the kids go to bed.
These may seem obvious, but let this be your permission to spend time feeding your writer’s soul with or (preferably) without your children.
Career Writers Can Benefit, Too!
Even career writers can—and should—celebrate I Love to Write Day. You might think, “But I write every day. I actually need a break from writing.” We all need a break from everyday life from time to time.
So, write your novel instead. Or if you write fiction for a living, challenge yourself to research and write an article on the topic of your choice. The beauty of writing is in the variety of genres. Just because you write one kind on a daily basis doesn’t mean you should forsake all others. Spend a little time on I Love to Write Day, flexing a different writing muscle.

Set Aside Time to Write with Your Kids
I Love to Write Day isn’t just for adults. Once upon a time, many of us were children with dreams of publication. I got my first notebook dedicated to writing when I was seven or eight. It had denim detailing and a picture of Eeyore on the front, and I filled it with my own moral stories written in gel pen. (Guess how old I am.)
Today is a perfect day to write with your kids. Make up a story with them. Journal with them. Work on your own writing while they work beside you on theirs. However you choose to do it, you can use today to indulge their creativity while indulging your own. That might be all it takes to light the spark for a life-long passion. It only took one teacher’s attention to set me on my path.
How Will You Celebrate?
We’d love to hear how you plan to celebrate I Love to Write Day. Comment below with your tips and tricks for making time to write.
That’s all she wrote!
About the Writer: Brigid Levi is a freelance writer and editor based in the Philadelphia area. She has three children, a husband-child, and a dog. When she’s not freelancing or working on her own writing, Brigid can be found under all the blankets with coffee, tea, or wine (depending on the time of day) and a sweeping historical fiction novel. She hopes to publish her YA fantasy/adventure novel in the near future! Find out more about Brigid on her website.
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Book Highlight: The Order of Us by Moms Who Write
Looking for some inspiration? Take a look at our first anthology, The Order of Us, and read some fantastic stories from inspirational mom writers who have beaten the odds and forged their own paths.
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