I’ve done digital strategy and social media my entire career and there are a couple things that I’ve learned that I want to pass along. Hopefully they help you.
Check out our favorite spooky reads to try for Halloween!
What writer doesn’t enjoy spooky reads around Halloween? We’ve shared some of our favorites to keep you shivering until next summer. Take a look.
How low-content books can spark your creativity– and make money!
Low-content books can be a great side project to help recharge your creativity. It also helps that you can make a little money on them! Here was my experience.
The Fireside anthology is the spooky book you need
Looking for the perfect book gift before fall is over? The Fireside anthology, bundled with our fall merch, is the perfect spooky season gift. Check them out.
How to survive NaNoWriMo without starving yourself
We’re now more than halfway through Preptober, that annual frenzy of getting ready for NaNoWriMo. All around the world, writers who plan on slamming 50,000 new words down in 30 days are doing all they can to increase their chances. They’re reading writing craft books, they’re outlining, they’re brushing up on strategies for writer’s block….
Grammar Rules for Colons: How to avoid misuse
What are the rules for colons? How do you know when to substitute for something else? There are so many options for these two little dots. Let’s explore a few.
What is NaNoWriMo and why are these lunatics writing a book in a month?
NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. In short, you write 50k words in 30 days, averaging 1,667 words per day for the entire month of November. Yeah, it sounds intense. It sounds gimmicky. But, for a lot of people, the camaraderie, competition, and accountability are enough to push them over the finish line. I’m one…
The Golden Bee represents girls with ADHD
Representation matters. Whether it’s culture, ethnicity, gender, or neurodiversity, seeing oneself in others fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance. For girls with ADHD, representation has been lacking. In fact, discussions about how ADHD presents itself in females are limited in scope. For young girls, characters such as Junie B. Jones and Ramona Quimby hint…
Comma rules and how to not break them
Commas clarify. But if used incorrectly, they just add confusion. Like all grammar rules, sometimes comma rules can be broken. Let’s get into the basics.
Fireside: Modern legends and lore by Moms Who Write
It’s release day! Fireside by Moms Who Write is finally available, where all books are sold, and we’re so excited! Let’s look at this beauty a little more.