You may have heard of ARC readers, but how exactly do you go about getting some of your own? And once you get them…what do you do with these people?! I’d like to share my recent experience in recruiting ARCs (advanced reader copies). I might not have done everything perfectly, but since I’m quite satisfied…
Tag: publishing
Why accepting writing feedback makes your book stronger
Have you ever received book feedback that maybe wasn’t your favorite? You don’t have to take it all, but you don’t want to discount every critique. Here’s why.
Happy Audiobook Appreciation Month Writers!
June is Audiobook Appreciation Month! If you’ve been considering turning your book into an audiobook, here are some reasons why you should take the leap.
Genres vs. Tropes: Getting your novel to the right readers
How do you find your books’ target audience or even the right shelf? The first, simplest step: understand genres vs. tropes, and how they apply to your novel.
Getting Out of Your Own Way: How to start and finish a novel
In May 2020, I started what would become my first complete novel. I was thrilled with the achievement, as one is when accomplishing the massive undertaking of writing an entire book. Almost exactly a year later, I received the work back from a developmental editor who TORE IT APART. As in, basically said it had…
Is a small press publisher right for your book?
Writing the final draft of your book is one beast. Deciding how you want to publish it is another. In 2022, writers can publish their books in several ways other than the traditional publishing route. One option growing in popularity is going with a small press publisher.
What Beta Readers do and how to use them well
Beta readers are a writer’s secret weapon. In the early editing stages, they can add valuable insight to your manuscript before querying agents. But if you’re a writer just starting out, you may be wondering what beta readers do, and when to seek them out.
5 Types of Book Editors: Which do you need?
In book publishing, there are 5 major types of editors you’ll come across. It’s important to understand the function of each so you can make informed decisions on which you need and when you need them.
How much will it cost to self-publish my book?
Taking your book from written to published is a bit more complicated than it sounds. You can easily end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars in self-publishing costs along the way if you don’t know what to look for.
Synopsis vs Blurb: Why you need both to create a powerful query
If there are two publishing industry terms I see mixed up the most, it’s probably synopsis vs blurb. Both are very important to the publishing process, so it’s important to know the difference to be professional in conversation, and to accomplish your publishing goals.